Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mango Chutney

Let this be a lesson to all of you. Don't rely on me to take pictures of delicious food. I am not to be trusted.

6-8 medium sized very ripe yellow mangos
1 cup chopped dried apricots (or prunes to add more variation)
1/2 cup walnuts
1/4 cup cilantro
1 Tbsp. lime juice
1 tsp. Balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp. smoked paprika
2 Tbsp. Chile powder
1/2 tsp white sugar
sea salt and pepper to taste

Peel and chop the mangos. They don't have to be uniform, just get it done any way you can, they are slippery jerks. Roughly chop the dried apricots, or prunes, or whatever dried fruit; then add it to your bowl of mangos. Very finely chop the walnuts and cilantro. You want the walnuts to be small enough that they will just stick to the pieces of fruit in the dish, no one wants to try to stab a walnut with a fork. Add the walnuts, cilantro, and remaining ingredients. Gently stir the chutney to get everything coated, then refrigerate for 30 minutes. This goes great with jerk chicken, I think that his name is Steve.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Old-School Standing Arcade

This year for Christmas, I wanted to build something really cool for my son. He's really into Tron right now, so I figured that I would build a Tron themed standing arcade.

The Parts

1 - 42" TV (you can adjust schematics for smaller sizes)

Everything else
1 - 4' x 8' x (3/4") sheet of plywood
1 - 8' x 3/4" quarter round moulding
3 - cans black spray paint (flat)
1 - can white spray paint (glossy)
1 - 2'x4' - 1/8" mdf
2 - 3' x 1/4" square wood dowel
2 - 3' x 3/4" square wood dowel
painters tape, wood glue, putty, sand paper

For those who don't know, a Raspberry Pi is a $35 credit card sized computer that runs a version of linux. It supports HDMI and RCA video. Audio can be supplied either with HDMI or a 3.5mm jack  I chose to use this simply because I had one sitting around that I had been using as a web server but no longer needed. If you aren't familiar with linux, it's ok. You don't really need to know anything to get this up and running. If you want to be able to run two 8 way joysticks plus ten buttons, you may want to find a friend that knows how to solder. For a non-solder version, just use two buttons per player, rather than four (plus two more for universal 'start' and 'select' buttons)  Lets get to building this thing!